Here is a listing of the projects and committees of the Ladies of Charity, each event has a chair person assigned to it. We do not publish volunteer contact information. If you need to speak to a committee chair, please call the Parish Office.
Angel Tree: Leslie C.
BradleyCenter: Cookies, assist with gift wrapping, donate silly socks (Nicole) –
Cards: Monthly Nursing Home: Pat Chastulik & Justine Perhosky
St. Ann's Cards: Victoria O’ Bosky (Illnesses, sympathy, birthday, mostly to a LOC) Holiday Cards to homebound and nursing home parishioners: Leslie Charitan
Carnegie Elementary: Free Store 15106 - Maureen Nelson
CarlyntonHigh School: donation of hygiene items - Nicole Anglum
ChartiersCenter: First Thursday - Janet Spaulding
Third Thursday - Peg Hunter
Picnic-Peg Hunter
Crochet Sleeping Mats/Fleece Tied Blankets: Lucy Mensor/Leslie C.
Day of Reflection: Dee Fitzsimmons
Diaper Drive: (May/June) *
End of Season Luncheon: *
Funeral of a LOC: Rosary - Ja'Nice McTier
Candles - Betty Dlugos and Maureen Nelson
Sympathy card, candle letter, money for votive candles, and Mass Intention - Treasurer
Food Pantry: as needed
Gift Cards: Ja'Nice McTier
Hospitality at meetings: Trish McNelis, Barb Lewin, Marilyn will oversee
Investiture: (May) Mary Rogowsky, President
Junior Ladies of Charity: Dee Fitzsimmons/Karen Maurer (ThirdSaturday of the month St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.)
Operation Safety Net Sandwiches:Second Wednesday - Lorraine Walwender
Third Wednesday - Leslie C. (Janet Spaulding, Linda Giehll, Sandy Stevenson)
Outreach: Barbara Donehue
Parish Festival: Roller Ball-Linda Giehll and Bonnie Wilson